Thursday, May 21, 2015

Indian horse book review by National Post

I personally think this is a great review! The author uses lots of diverse language and summarizes the book nicely without boring the reader. She talks about different themes of the novel and relates it to other novels and the authors personal life which I find quite interesting since I personally have never heard of the author before reading this novel so it was quite nice to have some background knowledge on him. I enjoy how she also gives the reader a bit of background information on the author and previous books he has written and his inspiration for the novel. She keeps the reader intrigued to read more with a intense and interesting first line into her review calling the novel " a severe but beautiful novel." I like how she also tells the reader about her experience when she interviewed him and how he creates his novel and why he does it. She ends the review perfectly by saying how she google mapped the area that Wagamese talks about in his novel, this made me interested to do the same and find out about that region in Northern Ontario. I agree with the author of the review that Wagamese crafts an unforgettable work of art that really tugs at your heart strings and is a severe eye opener to what really happened to aboriginal children during the residential school era and to present day. I really enjoyed this review and if I had not already read the novel I would be very interested to read it after reading this review.

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